Sailboat Charter Reservation Form

    All Fields Required

    Full Name:

    Date of Cruise:

    Time of Cruise:

    Lenght of Cruise:
    2.5 Hours4 Hours

    Number of Adults:

    Number of Children:

    Phone Number to contact you on the day of the cruise:
    ex: 555-555-5555


    Is there a special occasion for this cruise:

    Credit Card Information to Hold Reservation:

    Name on Card:

    Card Number:

    Card Type:

    Expiration Date:
    ex: 05/17

    CVV Number:
    (3 digital number on back of card) ex: 123


    Reservations will be confirmed and dates held upon the receipt of a 50% deposit. Total payment in cash/check is due on the day of the cruise. Cancellations less than 72 hours prior to the cruise: No refunds. Cancellations more than 72 hours in advance: All fees refunded. If we (BBSS) have to cancel a cruise due to adverse weather conditions all fees will be refunded.

    I accept the terms & conditions